DJ Holy Body's Blog - Chapter 22 (A Science Fiction Novel)

Everything is under control if control means that President Daniel Amir Trumpet is doing a superb job as President.  Trumpet is protecting the American image.  I totally understand, if I knew of a country that was the richest land ever, I would want to move there too.

So technically speaking, it could be WWWIII now, but it's not.  By now these world leaders should realize no one is expecting them to bow down, but we expect them to behave.  A regime change in North Korea is so complicated and probably unnecessary.  Their country is in its own little fantasy world with Dick Wong Tune and his deceased father, Dick Wong Song.  And Vuttabich probably won't make a move, but I already heard Russia's Prime Minister is complaining nonstop publicly about the U.S. sanctions.  The most powerful people in Russia may not be so powerful if it weren't for our country's shared interest in fighting Isis.  Ah man, I hate to say it or think it, but we need Russia to defeat Isis.

To put things in perspective, if things get to be too bad, we have the ability to bring our allies to the United States and just completely clear the other side of the world.  I honestly do not think that will ever be necessary.
