DJ Holy Body's Blog - Chapter 31 (A Science Fiction Novel)

My grandpa Elias lied to get into the U.S. Army. He was 15 years old yet told the recruiter that he was 18 years old so he could fight for our country. His lie gave him the destiny of living as a war hero. How does a soldier get two purple hearts, let alone one, and then be back at work within a few years?! And that's not where his medals and ribbons stop.

I can't and won't type anything he did in WWII, but I can tell you that his sacrifice and the sacrifices of so many like him are the reason why America is great, with more freedom than any other country. Now, amazingly enough, we have a volunteer army. You can say it's thanks to technology, but it's because of technological secrets and hardware acquired through war. We might need more people to serve though because many of our soldiers are currently working twenty hour days.

Maybe I'm an army brat. I don't know. I do know that if I had the chance to be my grandfather, I hope that I would be brave enough to make the same decisions he made leading towards his glory as a soldier. After the war, my grandfather didn't have use of one side of his face. He couldn't close one eye when he slept. He didn't let it stop him from getting right back to work as a private citizen. My grandfather never complained about it, at least I never heard him complain. He was so strong, and I will always be bewildered at how he did it.
