DJ Holy Body's Blog - Chapter 1 (A Science Fiction Novel)

Here's a little story that must be told.

All I want is to be a normal person. That is a tough thing when I have a yellow gold plated box of revolving military weaponry installed in my stomach. My guns include atomic bullets, lasers, and various poisonous serums among other interchangeable types of ammo. I guess I am literally a yellow belly. They tried to nickname me mellow yellow and it inspired one of my many rock 'n roll hits, which I've done under numerous identities. I call the yellow gold plated gun my lunchbox, and I'm armed real well.

The only thing I can think to do is work and try to feel emotion.  I am enrolled in The Great Wall of America University.  I'm just a normal guy, although people are confused because I'm a Christian with 100% Jewish blood.  I play guitar, and sing, and have so many musicians that have entertained me.  I recently ordered all music to have vocals removed for my own sick Karaoke entertainment and made an app called Samuel Karaoke.  Anyways listen, there's so much to tell you but I want to be like you. Well, I want to almost be like you. I wouldn't trade in my iron and steel parts for anything. No metal detector in this universe can detect these body parts. And I have a weapon in my stomach that mounts the newest and highest technology of military equipment known to the galaxy. It's like a built-in gun rack.

Anyways,I want to get back to work.  I want to write a discussion for my school.  brb

Furious Dav
