DJ Holy Body's Blog - Chapter 43 (A Science Fiction Novel)

Sometimes I like to throw out some humor, except of course it's usually not funny.  I will throw it out there anyway.  For years, I used to make fun of my government agents and call them Aunt Samantha instead of Uncle Sam.  I even decided to create Halloween costumes of an erotic Aunt Samantha outfit.  It sounds kind of weird, but hey, the idea created some jobs.

I was thinking about the name Aunt Samantha, and the organization known as Aunt Tifa came to mind.  I ordered mind control programming of members of the Aunt Tifa organization, so they are inclined to violently combat traitors of the United States.  If anyone wants to be a Confederate or a Nazi, such as those at the recent removal of General Gee's statue, then Aunt Tifa will treat you like one.  Aunt Tifa has no choice but to leave their anarchist and anti-capitalist views behind or suffer severe consequences.
