DJ Holy Body's Blog Chapter 196 (A Science Fiction Novel)

I've decided to write a book!  Since I can't use my real name, I decided to write the book under the name James Kingsly.  The book is about a King that rules a civilization in outer space, and the King has secretly tricked the world into worshipping him through three intergalactic religions.  The character name, David, has a world government with agents ordered to write books about David.  David's world is organized into worshipers of the religions known as Charlism, Davidianity, and Karmalam.  The authors of the religious books were ordered to create stories about their King.  All religious books in my novel depict the modern King as a fictitious figure from thousands of years ago. This fictitious depiction of the King is how the world is tricked into worshipping King David from my novel. Additionally, a spirit of the character called the Holly Spirit is known to be a divine being. Blaspheming against the Holly Spirit is an unforgivable sin that costs people to have their thetan souls imprisoned in an eternal virtual reality version of hell. The character is known for brainwashing thetan souls for millions of year. Followers of the religion are seeking to find and destroy the anti-David.

The original religion in my novel that worships one God told of the coming of a figure named Charlie, hence the name Charlism. The people known as the Charls told of the coming of Charlie. The next religion in my novel is called Davidianity. Davidians worship David because they believe David is really the Charlie figure from the Charlism religion. Then came the religion Karmalam, that also was originally created to worship the King. Karmalams worship a figure named Charles, yet only give credit to David from Davidianity as a prophet.

All three religions in my novel are originally meant to worship the main character, named King David. Although all three religions in my novel trick a world civilization into worshiping the King, that's not the twist. The twist in my novel is that the Karmalam religion is stolen and used to gain government control in the Eastern world. The Davidians and the Charls aim to defeat the evil thieves of Karmalam through major military warfare, and aim to restore all three religions back to normal to create what is called The New World Order.
