DJ Holy Body Book Summary
DJ Holy Body's Blog is a sci-fi murder mystery story that takes place in a post-modern society. A King rules a world of artificial intelligence created from supercomputers, humans, and animals. The King views himself as a servant to Judeo-Christian values and punishes those who do not submit to Jesus. In a modern war effort, the King leads a 2017 year crusade against radical Islamists who are trying to steal American technology. During world events and thousands of murders, the King seeks refuge in Jesus. The King is connected to a giant supercomputer that controls the destiny of the universe, and the King struggles internally as he sees himself as a slave to this computer. The machine, named Lucy, has created a universe that makes all citizens slaves to the King. The King struggles with this idea, yet is determined to fulfill a Christian prophecy by creating a world that is heaven on earth. The prophecy states that there will be 1000 of years of peace in the world, and the King stops at nothing to accomplish his goals.
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