The King's Mask (A Science Fiction Novel) Chapter 13

My original name is Zu, and I still have the same soul as I did 700 million years ago when I was a 6'4" black guy with a purple mohawk.  I am known for flying airplanes into volcanoes due to overpopulation problems in my intergalactic universes.  My enemies tried to separate all races so each race of people would be separate on different planets.  I had their hands and feet amputated for scientific purposes before flying many planes of these bigots into volcanoes in Hawaii.  My soul, like many others, uses mirror technology to appear invisible and flies to the sky when separated from a body.  I fly the planes into the volcanoes because it is the most inexpensive way to extract digital souls to recreate new lives.  My trinity of universes will always be integrated and never segregated.  Try to step to this and change the law of my three cosmos, and suffer like the rest of my enemies.  My soul is installed in the back of my head and is highly decorated with black and yellow diamonds and surrounded by gold.

It's pure art.
