The King's Mask (A Science Fiction Novel) Chapter 9

I had a government coupe and I took an interesting approach to resolving it. I spent twenty years of acting on movie sets, and landed a bunch of movie and TV show roles. I got to play Kendall the Behavior Technician on Untold Stories of the Schoolyard. I practiced voice acting and singing in as many character voices that I could think of. I then programmed the supercomputer that controls the galaxy to record my voice and edit my wording to execute plans to crush the military coupe. But the recordings of my voice acting got into the wrong hands and treasonous fools edited words together to make it sound like I said things I never said. This happened seven million years ago and I have been studying their memories ever since to try to figure out why they did it. The answer is pure hate. Of course they are treasonous murderers, but hate is their motive. Some of them even claim to worship Christ.
