DJ Holy Body's Blog - Chapter 7 (A Science Fiction Novel)
The imagery of war is horrific. War is hell. Anyone that's seen it knows it.
So I don't want to talk about war because these civilians just totally get me baffled with thoughts. If I threw these morons into a battlefield with a gun, I think they may do a decent job based on their mindsets.
Anyways, I'm a DJ, guitarist, and singer at the DJ Holy Body company. I may have said that, but for all I know this is the first page of my journal that you may be viewing. Anyways, my app is called DJ Buddy and the DJ's Anthology is my main album. And that's all well and good. So I'm doing this thing with spinning and promoting all types of music from America, Canada, Mexico, and all these other places. We have built a culture, it will be preserved, and I know in my heart that foreign governments are trying to steer our ship. Don't worry though; our country might just be too rich to fail.
Wow, I just can't get away from talking about the non-civilians. Our definitions of civilians are probably different anyways if non-civilian to you just means law enforcement and military.
Back to my story! These civilians in the music business have been talking to each other and have the nerve to try to drive my civilian company price down. It's actually pathetic enough to be a strategy for these people who I consider to be very smart and very stupid.
So I see their strategy and understand their cheapness, but isn't my price low enough? Greedy bastards.
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