DJ Holy Body's Blog - Chapter 20 (A Science Fiction Novel)

I just watched one of those Illuminati celebrity conspiracy videos about famous kids, and I'm really not that impressed.  What a bunch of morons!  They just throw everything on Hollywood and say everything is satanic with symbols.  It's all a bunch of bull.  The only real part of it though is that is a real conspiracy theory exists.  However, the conspiracy itself is false.  Is it that hard to believe that kids are born talented or perhaps wealthy and talented?  It's not a mystery, but if you want to look up the videos to waste some time, be my guests.

Rather than seeking out these "Illuminati" kids or celebrities, there is something far more important that the real American government is interested in.  We have some unwanted young looking guests in our country that you may think are "Illuminati."  They've even studied the conspiracy videos and in a pathetic attempt, have taken the idea of the "Illuminati" along with all the rumors, and have tried to make themselves seem like the real thing.  They are just copy cats of a secret society that doesn't even exist.  And yes, I call them copy cats on purpose to go with the kitten theme Illuminati rumor.

The young looking people that are spies in this country require immediate attention by the United States government.  Russia is not a friend of the United States.  The U.K. would take us back over in a second if they ever had half a chance.  The reason why America is what it is today is because we are the richest and most powerful nation in the history of the world.  So naturally, everyone wants to take us over.  I don't blame them.  Are we an empire?  Well, um....duh!

Many young looking spies are not really young.  Remember the show Different Ropes, and how the little brother would say to the big brother, "Whatchoo talkin' about Bill!"  Well, that little brother suffered from a bunch of things that limited his growth.  There are many ways growth can be limited, plus there are those who use dwarfs for spies.  It's just the way it is.

So if you notice a kid that has had the same wiggly tooth for several months, that wiggly tooth might be a fake baby tooth connected to a rod going directly into their jawbone.  The simple way to check for age is to check their back teeth, although remember that filing down and reshaping the incisor teeth is a simple task.  I'm sure you don't know many kids with teeth implants, so that's a pretty clear indicator.

Anyways, I'm only saying this because I decided to order doctors, dentists, school nurses, and teachers to examine all American young people and report all findings.  I'm obviously not having civilians check for such things, just government people.  There are plenty of us so checking on everybody is a simple yet lengthy task.

Don't you worry about a thing.  I've got everything covered.  Also, as a precautionary measure in America, blood samples from every individual are now required.
