The Prelude: DJ Holy Body's Blog - A Science Fiction Novel

Prelude:  The most prominent rockstar of all time, named Kurt Cofefe, fakes his own death for a government operation with a mission for world peace.  In the early 90's, while a hired hitman was on the way to Kurt Cofefe's house, a CIA agent operates on Cofefe and removes his artificial brain, while still attached to Cofefe's eyes, nose, jaw, and vocal chords.  Once the brain and surrounding parts were removed from Cofefe's head and chest, the agent shot the lifeless body with a shotgun and made it look like a suicide.

Using computerized surgical technology, Cofefe's parts were put inside a 1950's rockstar by the name of Holy Body.  Once inside the body, Kurt Cofefe declares himself as King David, although he really sees Jesus Christ as the only true King.  Cofefe is the highest ranking member of a world government and wishes to show people a new meaning of being a born again Christian.

In a twisted plot, Cofefe has his memory erased and is given a new identity as David Charles Karma.  King David Charles Karma has the mummified parts from the original King David of Israel installed into his body.  He undergoes surgery where government scientists and doctors make the King look exactly like the original King David of Israel.

Cofefe now has two and a half brains molded into one, part being from his original brain, part from Holy Body's brain, and part of the original brain of King David of Israel.  This gives the King telekinetic powers and allows the King to be remotely controlled by a supercomputer that oversees the galaxy.

The government doctors and scientists utilize a surgical procedure that takes a left-handed brain and right-handed brain and molds them into one.  In addition, the King receives the muscle memory of a famous boxer named Jack Hempseed.  The King has an artificial left hand that he boasts about because it is worth billions, and he enjoys bragging about his vocal cords because they are made from the biggest rockstars of all time.  The story takes place in a time right after the King's blood is injected into all of the citizens of the world for religious purposes.

Chapter 1:

As the great Bee Obee once said, "And I say it's a curse but it's emotionally a blessing".
